Analysis paralysis… we have all heard that term. It’s when we overthink something so much, that we get paralyzed. We waffle back and forth, second-guessing ourselves, and then don’t end up doing anything at all!
This episode will help you get out of the loop of over-analyzing and second-guessing. We will talk about three key things to consider when making a big (or small, for that matter) decision.
What is in alignment with your priorities and values?
- Think about your core values. Really the 3-5 unwavering values that can help guide you in any decision. We talk more about these values in Episode 002, and there is a workbook you can grab, that includes determining what those are. You can grab that HERE!
- If you have a decision between a new job opportunity or staying in your current position, for example; which option best aligns with your values? Which one will get you closer to the vision you have for your life 3-5 years from now?
- So many times we stay put because we are comfortable. Because we don’t want to shake up our routines and create new ones that may come with getting a new job. Staying comfortable may not be what is in alignment with what you want for yourself and your family in three years.
What is the next best step?
- We often are thinking of the end result and thinking too big, which can be overwhelming, so we scrap it altogether because we just have no idea what to do.
- Instead, ask yourself: ‘what is the next best step’? And do that.
- Let’s look at moving for our example this time. Say you want to move, but you are overwhelmed with all of the questions, like: How much can I afford? How much can I sell my current house for? What if I don’t like my new neighbors? What will the new school district be like? What if I don’t have a realtor?
- Breathe. What could be a good first step? If you don’t have a realtor, ask friends, family, co-workers if they have a recommendation. That’s your first step. See how small that is? It’s also action, versus continuing to dwell on it. Then call the realtor and get your questions out to them. They will help you determine the next best step. Then do that.
- If you keep just taking the next best step, you will eventually work through the big decision that has had you stuck.
Listen to (and trust) your gut.
- Many times we know what we need to do, but it feels uncomfortable and uncertain, so we trick ourselves into believing that we just can’t decide.
- You can’t be completely sure that the decision you are going to make is going to work out just as you had hoped, but the key is trusting that you will be okay, even if it doesn’t. That you will pivot and take the next best step, once again.
- Listen to yourself, don’t ignore your instincts. They are there for a reason.
These steps will result in you taking action, and deciding to have courage, which leads to confidence. Taking action will be so much more fulfilling, even if you have to redirect a couple of times, than staying comfortable and wondering ‘what if’. If you are finding yourself wondering ‘what if’, or ‘wouldn’t it be nice if’, or ‘I wish…’, there is a decision that can be made right now to lean into that.
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