I am a wife and mommy of two, with a career and a vision. I love communication and mindset mentoring, and get energized when I can help others break through their comfort zones to pursue the experiences and fulfillment they dream of for their life.
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May 12, 2020
People have so many choices on who to buy from, where to buy from, and so many different ways to get products and services.
How do you stand out, and not get lost in the clutter? Let’s look at three things you can do that are so simple, but not always easy. Certainly, the majority of people are not doing these things consistently. If you do though, you are sure to see positive results.
For a product-based business in particular (but really both products and services), focus on the process, not the product. Here’s the thing – people can get products and services from so many different places. They can get similar products and services, or even the same products. How does doing business with you make their lives easier or more convenient than all of the other options available to them? People want to save time… no one has enough of it. So, how do you help them do that? Make it EASY to do business with you.
Paint a picture of what’s possible. Paint the picture of what it will be like to do business with you. THAT is how you sell to differentiate. Do not talk about the features… talk about the benefits. Talk about what the purchase will help them to do, or feel, or see progress.
Let’s go through some examples:
Layout the journey, business relationship, and transformation clearly, and make sure the actual experience matches those expectations.
Train your customers how to do business with you.
After listening to this episode, you will have a few tips to start implementing right away, and you’ll start to feel more aligned with your business and more confident in your process.
I hope you enjoy it!
I believe that you have gifts, strengths and unique experiences that allow you to make an impact in the way that only you can. I'm here to help you amplify what makes you shine, through your work, because what I know for sure is that it's time for you to put yourself and all of your goodness out there. There are people who are waiting for exactly what you have to offer.
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