I am a wife and mommy of two, with a career and a vision. I love communication and mindset mentoring, and get energized when I can help others break through their comfort zones to pursue the experiences and fulfillment they dream of for their life.
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Nov 25, 2020
Just because you CAN do it, doesn’t mean you should…
As women, we put so much pressure on ourselves to do it all, and do it all well.
If you have a career, a family, a side hustle… something’s got to give.
Remember, not all things are created equally and in this episode, we are going to break down when you know it’s time to get some help – time to outsource. And we’re going to address what might be holding you back from making that shift, as well as how outsourcing can really change things for you!
We’ll dive in to my own story about this and why it took me awhile to get completely onboard with it. It has been so freeing after I made the shift in my mindset and I hope the same for you, too.
I hope you enjoy this episode and thanks for letting me be a part of your day!
I believe that you have gifts, strengths and unique experiences that allow you to make an impact in the way that only you can. I'm here to help you amplify what makes you shine, through your work, because what I know for sure is that it's time for you to put yourself and all of your goodness out there. There are people who are waiting for exactly what you have to offer.
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