I am a wife and mommy of two, with a career and a vision. I love communication and mindset mentoring, and get energized when I can help others break through their comfort zones to pursue the experiences and fulfillment they dream of for their life.
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Nov 25, 2020
There’s that thing that you can’t quite put your finger on that makes someone successful. It’s that fire…that spark that someone has that drives them forward, through any barrier that gets in their way. Where does that come from, and what are the secrets to it?
Dr. Ruth Gotian studies high achievers, and breaks down what makes them successful in to four different buckets.
I love this topic and think there is so much to learn here, as there are distinct patterns and traits that keep showing up.
I believe that you have gifts, strengths and unique experiences that allow you to make an impact in the way that only you can. I'm here to help you amplify what makes you shine, through your work, because what I know for sure is that it's time for you to put yourself and all of your goodness out there. There are people who are waiting for exactly what you have to offer.
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