I am a wife and mommy of two, with a career and a vision. I love communication and mindset mentoring, and get energized when I can help others break through their comfort zones to pursue the experiences and fulfillment they dream of for their life.
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Apr 28, 2020
Andrea has a successful corporate career and has been growing her photography business for the past three years. Her business allows her to have another stream of income, and serve in a way that her corporate job wouldn’t be able to facilitate.
We go into how she began growing her business, alongside her corporate career. Andrea said she takes it one step at a time; without having everything in place.
We talk about the limiting beliefs about having enough time to start something you’re passionate about and how you make the time to do small things every day that move you forward. How can you get creative about where you can find the time?
Andrea completely validates what a lot of us feel in that something changes in your thirties. There is this overwhelming sense of needing to be aligned with a purpose or a passion that brings you joy. We talk more about that, and how in our thirties we come back to ourselves and unpack how we are here to serve others.
The beauty of building your own business is that you get to decide the amount of time you spend and how quickly you want to grow the business. Andrea enjoys doing both – her corporate career and growing the business that she is passionate about. Right now both are fueling her and serving their purpose. She is able to be flexible in her business and can flex up and down as it makes sense.
Andrea is so engaging and has so many insights that will resonate with you. Join us for this fun, relatable conversation!
I believe that you have gifts, strengths and unique experiences that allow you to make an impact in the way that only you can. I'm here to help you amplify what makes you shine, through your work, because what I know for sure is that it's time for you to put yourself and all of your goodness out there. There are people who are waiting for exactly what you have to offer.
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