the podcast library



It can be really easy to get caught up in chasing something, or in pursuing a goal simply because you can. Or maybe you’re deciding between opportunities that have been presented to you, and aren’t sure what to do. The reality is that you have limited time and energy, and you have to choose… so […]


In this real conversation with Kristina Borseti, we talk about her own story of suffering a traumatic surgical complication and how that let her down the path to starting her company, And Then Be Well –  helping others advocate for themselves and consider their wellness as a whole, so that they can pursue the goals […]


You have a story. You have a lot of stories. ⁠⁠It doesn’t have to be a matter of life or death.⁠ Something terrible didn’t need to have happened to you and it doesn’t have to be massive (although it might be). ⁠⁠⁠You have been through things, big and small, that have made you who you […]


Your content is a vehicle for your message. It’s how people learn about who you are, what you stand for and how you can help them. Creating content isn’t as fun when you feel like you’re forcing it. There are ways to have your content sound more like ‘you’ and feel more natural. You want […]


Most women think their next breakthrough will happen when reading the book, or listening to the podcast, or attending the event, but the reality is that your next big break happens when you learn to SEE, ACCEPT & LOVE who you are and where you are today – and that’s what attracts people to you. […]


In this episode with Dave Hollis, we go all in on going through change, uncertainty, and having the courage to push through your comfort zone towards what’s waiting for you on the other side of fear. Dave will inspire you to leave that safe harbor and go out into the uncertain waters, so you can […]


Join us for this refreshing conversation about stepping into your power and approaching business with ease.  She shares tangible examples of just how she’s created her online business around her life… not the other way around.


50 episodes?!  I launched this podcast just a couple weeks before covid hit and i am so thankful I did….  In this episode, we are going to dive into why I started, what I’ve learned, and what’s next.  My hope for this episode is for you to see some of yourself in this story.  You […]


Joy isn’t just a thing that we just find.  It’s a practice that we consistently need to work on.  Just like physical strength that you build and maintain over time, Abbie Mirata has created an easy to follow framework with the five ways we can strengthen our Joy Joints.  With all of the things going […]


How to be confident, ask for what you want, or be bold/brave enough to have a conversation about a touchy subject with a boss, coworker, customer…  Women in particular are afraid many times to come off rude, so end up not saying anything at all, which just leads to unresolved issues and resentment! In this […]


We’ve all been there. We get in a funk and wonder if we are cut out for it (whatever IT is).  Then we start to question what we’re doing, and try to talk ourselves in to why it  might just be a good idea to quit.  BEFORE you go there, listen up, because we are […]


In this episode, we get down to basics on what to focus on when creating a Brand.  How do you create a brand that represents who you are and what you are offering in an authentic way? The branding of the website, fonts, colors, design…that’s all important, but you have to first get clear on […]

Imperfectly Ambitious is a company that provides messaging, positioning, and sales strategy for women in business who want to approach sales differently and connect at a deeper level with their perfect fit clients.