I am a wife and mommy of two, with a career and a vision. I love communication and mindset mentoring, and get energized when I can help others break through their comfort zones to pursue the experiences and fulfillment they dream of for their life.
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Do you have things that you want to get done, or even a big goal that you want to achieve, but just can’t see how you can fit anything else into your days and weeks. Do you find yourself thinking that now just isn’t a good time to start something because you have so much going on?
After listening to this episode, you will have the exact framework I used to reach my goal of starting a podcast, and you will learn how to structure your days and weeks to be more productive.
Also, don’t forget to grab The More Productive Week PDF here: www.imperfectlyambitious.com/freebies, and that will give you this framework, as well as printable weekly calendar templates, so you can start practicing this method right away! Here’s the thing, I use my digital calendar for all of my daily appointments, work meetings, conference calls, etc., but I use a paper planner for my other most important work, to help me stay on track.
Alright, let’s dive into the 7-Step framework of how to break down a big goal into smaller mini-tasks and how to incorporate those into your week, so you can own your schedule and spend more time on the things that matter the most.
STEP 1: Mindset Makeover
STEP 2: DEFINE it…What is your big goal?
STEP 3: Talk about it.
STEP 4: Break the big goal down into small tasks… And then even smaller.
STEP 5: PRIORITIZE the tasks
STEP 6: PLAN – Schedule the tasks daily – write them down!
STEP 7: FOCUS…GUARD the time you have blocked out
Now, how to create the SYSTEMS that will form habits and create progress towards your goal…
I put a checkmark next to the task if I get it done that day, and if I don’t get it done, I add it to another day so I know I need to finish it. Again, writing it down.
NOTE: flexibility and grace are also important. Just hold yourself accountable to move it on your calendar if an emergency comes up.
At the end of each week, I transfer anything from the margins that didn’t get done over to the to-do list the next week. And repeat the cycle.
Schedule time for the actions that will lead to the result. Don’t focus on the result (for example: start a podcast). Focus on the actions to get there, commit, and schedule.
Anything that removes obstacles and makes doing something as easy as possible, will make habits more likely to form. Reduce opportunities for resistance.
Overwhelm is caused by not knowing how it’s all going to get done. We get paralyzed because we don’t know how we could possibly fit it all in, and don’t have a plan. Break down your goal into small tasks, and focus on one thing at a time. If you follow this method and are intentional and consistent, I am confident you will own your weeks and will achieve your goals!
I believe that you have gifts, strengths and unique experiences that allow you to make an impact in the way that only you can. I'm here to help you amplify what makes you shine, through your work, because what I know for sure is that it's time for you to put yourself and all of your goodness out there. There are people who are waiting for exactly what you have to offer.
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